sábado, junho 17, 2006

No sense part 2/1 * PI

I describe every thing
Every little thing
I fly
I`m high
Do it, my hero...
I`m your lady, your man, your fiancé
Ces't la vie my dear...
Ces't la vie...

Drive with me
Die with me
Left, come back
Push, pull, push, pull
Push, pull, push, pull
Push, pull, push, pull
Push, pull, push, pull
And feels this

You're my love
You make me sad
You make me happy
I will breath you every time
Again and again...

and she?? ...

She is past, I simply love you!
I promisse, everything will be ok!

Klederson Bueno (16/06/2006 - 06:53 AM Floripa - Santa Catarina)

terça-feira, junho 06, 2006

All things!

I stay in all your feelings
Love, hate, anger and happiness
I stole all your rings
And let you in this madness

I`m sure, you will survive
But you will not stay alive
I breath, and you cry
I tell and you fly
I left...
And you die...

All this sentiments
All this madness
All things arround you
All this belongs to me
You have no future
I have no sure
We get no plaesure
We get no rule

We choose another thing
we choose be more selfish
But alone, we are nothing...

Kléderson Bueno